welcome again my dearest readers...hiihi
ape tu?
hihi...hmm... haaa... korang akan tercari-cari CAHAYADEKO ni bile korang nak kawin ke nak tunang ke...

xkisahla kawan ke adik ke kakak ke mak sedara, sepupu, sepapat dll..
kawan/ abg/ adik/ kakak nak grad ke..
korang nak bg souvenir pd kawan korg kat oversea sana ke or maybe pada kawan2 korang sempena perpisahan
di antara korang-korang ke..

ape kata korang try order dgn cahayadeko nih..MELETOP seyh!
meh aku tunjuk sket ape yg meletop nye..
bekas cincin untuk hantaran
-this is for abg's atan engagement_one of the costomer-
theme-pink & green
click here for more photos
sort of graduation gift.
boleh je nak bagi as birthday gift ke..
(more package below)
red roses bouquet
ofcoz for your loves one.
(birthday, mother's day, teacher's day etc)
just like CD002. in different package.ini gantung2 punya.hihhi
comel kan?
"sayang..i nak yang ni... tp u orderlah bunga warna biru..."
ok!pon boleh!hihi
another package.
with Ferraro Rochell.
(sambil telan air liur)
p/s:kalau aku dpt ni, sekelip mata je lesap f.r tu.hahaha
haa!yg ni memang aku tgk dgn bijik mata aku sendiri. n aku pegang sehari semalam pakej ni sbelum sampai kepada si empunya...
(sbb org yg oder ni,mintak tlg aku bg pada kawan die)
aku nak ckp, aku terujalah.
(pantang nampak mende c0mel!)
pastu, memang berbaloi la...!gerenti!so!
in conclusion,
CAHAYADEKO is someone who u can ask for decorating flowers, engagement and wedding gifts, convocation gifts etc.
(kindly click here for more photos)
for any inquiries or order can e-mail her at
(for now, orders are available just in Ipoh and K.L)
don't worry,
everything regarding the decoration is all yours.
you can choose whatever method, color or items u need.
the price is negotiable.
(jgnla nak item yang sampai ke thailand nak kena cari. cmtu, harga pun up la.hihi)
so, what are u waiting for???
order now!
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credit:wan mohd hasri |
8 bunga-bunga cOmeL:
eeh cantk nye ade teddy bear :)
aah...hihi.mmg c0mel..=p
kak hilal punye ye...?
@ -m3- yup! =p
mane page static..dah buang ea?
alamak kak.baru je buang.. x matching la.lgpun dah ade labels.. akak try la wt ikut link tu. sy rasa yg akak punya ade skrg lagi c0mel kot.hihi
nice n chumell sgtt.. nnt klu ada apa2 souvenirs nk kasi org tersayang, fifiey suruh cik teratai decorate ok:)
alamak..cik teratai pandai buat kad je.hihi
ni kte tlg kawan kte.=p
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