Al- Baqarah

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya."

Sunday, October 18, 2009

bila rasa ini...

0rg ckp hidup ni bukan selamanya nk happy je kan.. kdg2 ade je mende yg buat kte sedih..

hmm... aku tak taulah ni hanya perasaan aku je atau memang patut aku rasa macam skrg..

sedey, kecik hati, menyampah, meluat, frust...

aku kah yg bersalah.. ?

atau die mahu balas dendam...**aku harap, hanya perasaan aku saja, aku harap die bukan bgini. h0h0..

haih.. perasaan ni mengganggu aku smpai aku xleh nk wt keje.. caman0?

atau, aku hanya perlu biarkan saja? masing2 dah besar kan?hmmm~

hanya DIA yang tahu segalanya...

tina!! f0kus!!

hari ni kena siapkan excell n LP!mesti!

JADI stop thinking about that. just move 0n k. n0thing t0 be guilty of..s0 please d0 ur w0rk dear...

chill babe~

7 bunga-bunga cOmeL:

Anonymous said... [reply to comment]

yeah..ya ryte..
"life isn't always a fairy tale"
prOblems keep On cOming in Our life..
it depends On hOw we handle it..
eventhOugh running away frOm it isn't da best sOlutiOn ever..
but then..sOmetimes,it might be the Only OptiOn that left..
sO chill dear =D

ATIE said... [reply to comment]

walau siapa pun kamu.. time kasih.huhu..
i think, f0r s0me reas0n i d0 agree 'eventhOugh running away frOm it isn't da best sOlutiOn ever..
but then..sOmetimes,it might be the Only OptiOn that left..'

thanx again.. lalala..

-ain- said... [reply to comment]

k.tina...follow kite..hehehe

ezzat said... [reply to comment]

trun maen volley!
masalah akan segera ilang

ATIE said... [reply to comment]

da turun da.. heheh
asal xdtg men hari ni?

ezzat said... [reply to comment]

ujung minggu baru ni balik umah la kak
2-3 ari xmaen perut trus boroi
pasni maen tiap2 ptg
bagos, skrg sume trun awal

ATIE said... [reply to comment]

hahaha...bgus2..j0m2 kte men awal2 cm ptg td.. =p

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.giRLs DrEaM TEaM.

.giRLs DrEaM TEaM.


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