Al- Baqarah

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

new skin...

this is my new skin...

ok tak?

p/s:masih lg under construction.. ;p

2 bunga-bunga cOmeL:

Nurul Ashikin said... [reply to comment]

cntik jer skin bru ni. nmpak kemas. :)

ATIE said... [reply to comment]

hheee..tq ashikin. =p

CHEMISTRY without CATALYSIS, would be a SWORD without a HANDLE, a LIGHT without BRILLIANCE, a BELL without SOUND.

~love chemistry~

.giRLs DrEaM TEaM.

.giRLs DrEaM TEaM.


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external hard disk
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