Al- Baqarah

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

sape nak jadi yang ke 190??


hehe... dah ade 189 f0ll0wer... s0 sape yg nak jadi yg ke

 cpt2... jgn lepaskan peluang.hehehe
motif entry ni: oh saje nk update.ringkas padat n mesti cepat.=p

p/s:baru smpt g0dek blog...n baru hari dpt rasa td0 yg best...

4 bunga-bunga cOmeL:

Tie HT said... [reply to comment]

wow tahniah dah 189.. ;)

ATIE said... [reply to comment]

tq kak. =p

Anonymous said... [reply to comment]

hua! terlepas! (T.T) 191 xleh eyh tiena :D

ATIE said... [reply to comment]

@Little Miss Curiousmestilah bleh. =p

CHEMISTRY without CATALYSIS, would be a SWORD without a HANDLE, a LIGHT without BRILLIANCE, a BELL without SOUND.

~love chemistry~

.giRLs DrEaM TEaM.

.giRLs DrEaM TEaM.


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