Al- Baqarah

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya."

Monday, February 21, 2011

live the life to the fullest_part 1


mari bergembira!

hihi... thanx pd sume! i am so happy!!

 i really had a great weekend with u all.

ish2...anak sapa la ni!!

thanx sgt2 pd umi n izzah sbb tumpangkan kte kt blik korg ye.
love you both!mmuahx!

so.. tgu aku wt karangan..


0 bunga-bunga cOmeL:

CHEMISTRY without CATALYSIS, would be a SWORD without a HANDLE, a LIGHT without BRILLIANCE, a BELL without SOUND.

~love chemistry~

.giRLs DrEaM TEaM.

.giRLs DrEaM TEaM.


tamat belajar
gaji pertama
external hard disk
amek lesen
S.E xperia vivaz
my first car
bola guli
VB team
family holiday
Encik P
settle ptptn
...bahagia sampai ke syurga...
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