Al- Baqarah

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya."

Monday, March 22, 2010

.geologi tu ape?

3rd post for today~

(xsengaja 0k! =p)

es0k TEST GEOLOGY 1! the most excited and w0nderful subject!0h yeah!! =p

ini salah satu peta, dr byk2 peta nk kena hafal.. m0tif??

hopefully xkena ajar geografi nanti. aminnn..

p/s:happy birthday to my 3rd sister.. sm0ga pnjg umur dan bahagia selalu...

2 bunga-bunga cOmeL:

Anonymous said... [reply to comment]

gudluck test!! hee~
btw epy bufday kat adik jugak =p

ATIE said... [reply to comment]


CHEMISTRY without CATALYSIS, would be a SWORD without a HANDLE, a LIGHT without BRILLIANCE, a BELL without SOUND.

~love chemistry~

.giRLs DrEaM TEaM.

.giRLs DrEaM TEaM.


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