Al- Baqarah

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

hafiz af7: i believe i can fly...

2 bunga-bunga cOmeL:

cheom said... [reply to comment]

one of my favorite kot .....haha....ak ade semua video konsertnya ...hehe

ATIE said... [reply to comment]

aku ade ni je... ng akim punye..hee

CHEMISTRY without CATALYSIS, would be a SWORD without a HANDLE, a LIGHT without BRILLIANCE, a BELL without SOUND.

~love chemistry~

.giRLs DrEaM TEaM.

.giRLs DrEaM TEaM.


tamat belajar
gaji pertama
external hard disk
amek lesen
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